MadJW, are you trying to siphon off traffic and backlinks for your site's SR rankings?
You seem to be fairly tech savvy - your GB masters are surely frowning upon it.
Don't forget the Holly Spirit may be diming you out as you type/lurk here .
i'm trying to fade away, but i sometimes find myself in discussions or arguments with jw family/friends/white haired virgin elders.
now, i usually have them beat on things but i'm not very experienced, so i was thinking if you guys could help me put together a list of completely unanswerable questions to pose to my jw friends/family/elders so they can stop bugging me.
if i keep asking them questions they simply cannot answer, then they might leave them alone.
MadJW, are you trying to siphon off traffic and backlinks for your site's SR rankings?
You seem to be fairly tech savvy - your GB masters are surely frowning upon it.
Don't forget the Holly Spirit may be diming you out as you type/lurk here .
because of a large plume of dust being blown to the uk by a volcanic eruption in iceland all aircraft in the uk and beyond have been grounded, no airplanes are flying at all, they will not be flying till tommorow at the earliest , and then maybe not.
apparently the dust can cause engines to stall, which has happened before.. heathrow is the busiest international airport in the world, and second busiest overall, the dislocation of passengers all over the world is massive.. .
A sign of the time folks. You better step up your field ministry hours :-)
july 15, 2010 wt page 22, 23:.
would all anointed christians shine?.
in a sense, yes, for all christians would participate.
Hmm..Holly Spirit selected Ray Franz...WTF, I agree with Mad - they are testing the limits with such utterly ridiculous vomit. Poor JW drones..
surprised me that he actually followed up on his word and called .
it will be strange after four yrs.
to have them in our house .my husband was not happy to hear it will be two brothers coming over, because he really does not want to feel we are being counseled .
There is something else you can throw at them suggest.
Pull out a tape recoreder and state that the session will be recorder for your personal archives. If there are words of encouragement, you can listen to themm over and over, right?
In any event, they can't call it a JC hearing. Taping is a no-no , as youl probably know...
Tell us how they did .
an older clip, but joel engardio who produced "knocking" thinks they do not..
Most status and privilidges were built up by enthusiastic ass-kissing of the powers that be.
Umm.. Wrong...They are selected and directed by the Holy Spirit..
i have tons of elders letters which were part of a website about 7 years ago and if my memory proves correct it was taken down due to bullying by the society.. i was wondering if these letters were still out there somewhere, because if not i'll upload them.
they are all in catergories.
might be useful.
Got me a copy. Thanks bro... -KV
i don't know if there is one, but we need our own version of wiki...i'll start, and you all can add to it if you want.. elder: a guy who has nothing better to do with his life when he's not being a janitor, middle management or a construction worker than pick on you so he can polish the wts's apple.. ministerial servant: guy who wants to be an elder so he can pick on people, because he's tired of mostly just brown-nosing the elders.. pioneer: person who volunteers most of the time they should be out getting a better paying job harassing people with wts literature so jehovah will love them more and so that the rest of the congregation will want to be part of their spiritually elitest clique.. temporary pioneer: someone who can't quite give enough time to be a pioneer because they have a mortgage, kids and a decent job, so they guilt themselves into playing pioneer once or twice a year so they can get one more step up in the jehovah's witnesses caste system.. publisher: low man on the spiritual totem pole who can barely make time to get ten hours a month because he wants to retire someday, but he does it anyway so that the elders won't come by and "encourage" him with a visit that involves making him feel like crap for not being a pioneer.. fader: someone who sneaks away from the wts while the getting is good but does it in such a way that they may not have to experience shunning.. disfellowshipped: shunning, what the wts does to people who dare to tell them where to get off or who quit believing or following their insane rules.. disassociated: people who don't wait for the wts to shun them before they tell them where to get off.. elderette: wife of a janitor who thinks she can assume the role of elder when her husband isn't doing what she tells him to do to encourage the flock...see:wifely submission.. wifely submission: a myth perpetrated by jehovah's witnesses that makes men believe that their wives have to respect them even when they're being stupid or nasty, and largely ignored by many married female witnesses who know better.. three fold cord: unfortunately not a description of a mildly kinky sexual act, but believing that jehovah is the third party in your marriage..okay, maybe that is a little kinky after all.. .
Proper Food at the Proper Time: A term coined by the Jehovah's Witnesses to trick their members into believing that they have been spoon-fed some kind of special privileged knowledge, unavailable to the masses. In reality, this is a really high fat and cholesterol laden fast-food spiritual diet designed to kill any psychologically pre-programmed survival mechanism and put the minds of said members into a harsh, chemically-imbalanced bath of cognitive dissonance.
[Note: edited to add]
Privileges: Undesireble tasks performed on a voluntary basis. Examples include: carrying microphones up adnd down isles in a three-piece suit, sweeping and vacuuming meeting rooms in tight uncomfortable full evening gown, serving food in blistering heat packed in said three-piece suits, playing parking lot attendant (with a flash light, of course) in a three-piece suit...well you get the idea...
i'm getting coffee at the 7-11 about 8:30 this morning , in the parking lot i see this guy i know and his wife talking to some jw's in the parking lot.
i go over and say hi joe and wife, i play stupid and ask do you go to church with these people.
they say no they are preaching jesus to us.
..."you need a bible study"....AAAIT, Pull out the bible then.
the bossert was one of the several hotels that the jehovahs witnesses acquired and renovated during the 70s and 80s.
by 1984, when the witnesses purchased it, the building had been reduced to a sad condition by age and neglect.
the witnesses performed an excellent restoration, reproducing the mahogany windows and replacing 2,500 square feet of bottachino classico marble with stone from the original italian quarry.
Property stats from the County assessors office. Unfortunatelly only goes bak to 2005:
Market Value = $17,400,000 -200,000 $17,200,000
Actual Assessed Value = $7,830,000 -90,000 $7,740,000
Actual Exemption Value = $7,602,957 -87,392 $7,515,565
Transitional Assessed Value = $8,343,000 +45,000 $8,388,000
Transitional Exemption Value = $8,101,075 +43,700 $8,144,775
Taxable Value = $227,043 -2,608 $224,435
i see two compelling reasons right off the bat:.
1. financial - this one is a bit counterintuitive, as we all know the wtb$ is loaded.
but if we could see real preaching stats by territory, i bet my ass that the most return visits are in the western/developed countries.
I see two compelling reasons right off the bat:
1. Financial - This one is a bit counterintuitive, as we all know the WTB$ is loaded. But if we could see real preaching stats by territory, I bet my ass that the most return visits are in the western/developed countries. WT will tell you that there is the greatest number of publishers and they are of course concerned with the survival of as many people as possible.
This is where the most donations are coming from. I can guarantee you that the moment a door gets slammed in their face by a non-believer is the moment a publisher mentally writes off that person. Yes they go back but not out of love; they have to keep up with FS hours and this is the territory the Borg has assigned to them. End of story. I've heard reliable stories where publishers "reserve" the nice homes of non-believers after field service for after the big-A.
So, are we saying that the millions/billions of people in developing or third world countries are les valuable or don't deserve to be visited repeatedly for their salvations sake? Of course not! They just don't have any money to donate. I think the whole charade with worldwide expansion is a tactic very similar to the lost leader tactic in sales. There is no doubt in my mind that the WT is at a loss (financially) in these places and only uses the membership there to feed the R&F in developed countries growth and success stories in order to guilt them into more slave labor and squeeze as much as they can out of them. The growth worldwide is composed of the expansion in unsuspecting (ehem NEW) lands and at the same time under minded by the deteriorating numbers in places sick of the WT 's crap. How long can this growth remain in the black? We'll see, I hope not too long ..
This can't sit well for too long with an increasingly informed, more educated, younger R&F flock. The constant shift of major doctrine and playing God with family and health issues will eventually get "Millions who live now, to leave the f#$% out and never come back". Which means less donations, more panic, tighter control for remaining members more aggravation for such and eventually a downward organizational tailspin.
2. Publishing Media - The WT's distinct MO is brainwashing (err.. preaching) through their own printed rags. But, we have a problem, Houston. Printed media is increasingly viewed as wasteful, harmful to the environment, slow, expensive and too cumbersome to produce. For as long as there are older generation publishers who pay for it, I guess the presses will roll. But eventually you'd have a hard time convincing a Gen X or Y person to buy a printed newspaper. True, classic books, like the bible and different aids will be OK for now, but the periodicals on paper are doomed.
And the boys in Brooklyn know it! BUT... they have a dilemma..
It would be fairly painless to switch to paperless periodicals. The public's sentiment not only internal to the Org but in general is receptive. Waive the Green (no pun intended) card in their face, make them feel good about "helping the environment" and they will take PDF over paper.
HOWEVER, the method of delivery is through the most dangerous of them mediums at all: THE INTERNET.
How do you keep one to strictly looking up/downloading your vomit and not looking at opposing views. Yes "Crisis of Conscience" in a paper copy can be dangerous too, but the ease, speed and sheer volume of information the internet afford is going to be devastating. Scare tactics and threats can go only so far.
I think Crooklyn is testing the waters for going hip (in the name of member retention and their own survival of course) and now trying set the ground rules for access.
Only time will show how right/wrong I am. Yet, I hope for the best .
Oh, and my rambling is neither Spirit Directed nor Inspired, take it for what is worth. Also, it constitutes is by no means a comprehensive list; please add or correct me as you see fit.